Logo Photoshop Css 3

Creating Logo Photoshop only using css

logo photoshop

Logo photoshop dibawah ini bukan terbuat dari editan photoshop bukan juga gambar yang berformat jpg atau PNG melainkan terbuat dari rangkuman kode css3 yang sederhana, kode css3 ini bisa sebagai pengganti file gambar logo photoshop yang berformat jpg atau PNG.
Berikut ini adalah kode css3 nya:

#cs3-logo {background-color: #2056a2;background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(100% 100% 90deg, #15396d, #2574e6 );background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#2574e6), to(#15396d));
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px #849187;color: #fff;float: left;font: normal bold 130px Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif;font-variant: small-caps;height: 211px;letter-spacing: -2px;margin: 1px;padding: 39px 0 0 0;text-align: center;text-shadow: 0px 1px 2px #10396d;width: 300px;}

Kode HTML nya:

<div id="cs3-logo"> Ps</div>

The photoshop is a cool logo! it was made of fairly simple shapes.  here is recreate the logo with pure CSS and as less HTML as possible biar sederhana namun hasilnya cukup keren dan hasil akhirnya akan seperti ini :
below is the final result!

Photoshop best tools for Wedding Photographer

Photoshop was initially made as an instrument for straightforward picture altering, which since 1990 has developed into a creature programming suite with numerous capacities and abilities to suit visual creators, engineers, artists, distributers, photographic artists and even 3D craftsmen. Consider it a Cadillac of picture altering with a boundless potential that can become with programming upgrades and updates, as well as the best tools for Wedding Photographer with exceptional plugins known as channel from Adobe and outsider programming organizations. Need to line various photos into a solitary display? its best tools for Wedding Photographer Alternately make a High Dynamic Extent photo? On the other hand dispose of skin imperfections? Then again maybe make a man look taller, shorter, more slender or fatter? see the real photo withoute photoshop here Iluminen.com Jakarta & Bali Wedding Photographer Photoshop can do all that; and significantly more. It would be pointless to attempt to rundown what Photoshop can do, in light of the fact that it would most likely be an endless rundown. The expression "Photoshopped" is presently a piece of our every day language, on the grounds that we are continually presented to adjusted pictures that may look reasonable while being fake – that is the force of Photoshop